This situation can only be alleviated, by transferring resources, technology and knowledge by industrialized countries to those more disfavored to allow developing childhood oncology programs guided to improve the healing possibilities of the patients and promote scientific investigation.
Childhood cancer is a disease that in order to achieve healing requires that the medical institution has the conditions to provide intense, systematic and uninterrupted treatment, which affects the social and family situation of the patients, generating the needs of attention for care in these areas.
Despite all the efforts that each of the countries of the SICA Region are making and of the different models that have been implemented for care, it is necessary, within the framework of integration, to establish strategies that strengthen the different models that make it possible to provide a sustainable long-term response, optimize existing resources in each country and project a progressive increase in investment to improve the quality of care in the pediatric population and the early detection of pediatric cancer. [1]